Sunday, April 15, 2012


YOU GUUUUUUUUUYS! Amelia finally drank milk! (I'll just go ahead and start with the punchline.)

For a quick recap, Jonathan and I decided one day (a year ago) that her special sippy cup needed to go, so we threw it away while she was napping. Literally, when she woke up from that nap she would not drink milk out of ANY other sippy cup. And never would again. LESSON LEARNED.

Fast forward to Friday.. She and I were eating lunch together and I started having a little heart-to-heart with her about milk. I asked her all kinds of questions like, "Tell me how you feel about milk. (I'm a psychologists daughter.) What is it that you don't like about milk? What if I just take your juice away completely? What if milk and water were the last two drinks on Earth?" To which she replied, "I'd just drink water, Mom." Dang it. I finally said, "Well, it's about time you give up all this juice. Starting tomorrow your options will be milk and water." That night I went to the store and bought that delicious, extremely expensive, pre-mixed chocolate milk. All day Saturday I bribed her to no end. I offered candy, new toys, new shoes, anything she wanted. Nothin'. Same story today. Until tonight, when Jonathan played a little game with her about drinking chocolate milk in exchange for a piece of chocolate. (Bribery WORKS). She took one sip... and she liked it!! Then she ran into the living room to show me that she liked it, and she took another drink! Jonathan and I burst in to celebration and told her to hurry and get ready to go to the store to buy some new toys! She took another drink before we left, and these pictures were taken before bed when she had another glass! I'm so so so happy right now. I think we'll ease her back in but definitely make it a priority that she keep drinking it. Wish us luck.

Learning how to give a thumbs up


Elsha said...


Laura said...

Ha! I wish someone would give me a piece of chocolate for drinking chocolate milk! Sounds like a pretty sweet deal!

Bailey said...

That's great! I love the last picture of you both giving the thumbs up! Too cute!

Eric and Amy said...