Wednesday, April 11, 2012

For all the Mormons...

...Or anyone who enjoys a good song, I suppose. ;) Amelia is always talking about this song "Leo the Lion" that they sing in nursery at church so last night at dinner I was asking her to teach it to me. By the way, if anyone knows it, could you actually teach it to me so I can sing it with her? She did a pretty good job but I don't think I got all the words. Anyway~ then I said, "What other songs do you sing in nursery? Do you know "I Am a Child of God?" and she just started singing it. This is with NO practice with me, just straight from memory from church!

My heart is melted. :)


Devery said...

oh my gosh! She is getting so big! That is so sweet!

Elsha said...

She's adorable! And very clear. She might even sing that better than Kalena.

Kirsta 'n co. said...

Kalena be darned, she actually might sing that better than me! Excellent work. I don't know about Leo the Lion, but my kids sing "I came to Earth with power to choose..." and I have NO IDEA how it goes. Not in the primary songbook or anything! We're both lost :(