Tuesday, May 31, 2011

It's a...

GIRL!!! Yay! Here's the money shot to prove it:

When they gave me this shot of Amelia I thought, "Really? You can't even see anything!" So I was pretty convinced it could still be a boy, until I saw an ultrasound of a boy. Then I knew that nothing in between those legs execpt some little white lines meant a girl. Here are 2 other pictures they took:

A cute little foot

The profile, with her little hand up by her ear. This little stinker would NOT show us her face, until the very end when we saw her open her little mouth, and then go back into hiding.

And here's a picture of me that Jonathan took the other night while I was reading my new cookbook. He walked right up to me and held the camera in my face and I never even noticed! Haha.

Of course my belly doesn't look that big when I'm standing up but you get the idea.

So, now that I have 1000 baby girl names picked out that I love, it's time to start convincing Jonathan that Abigail is too popular, and he needs to move on and listen to some of my ideas! :) :)


Elsha said...

Yay for baby girls!

Kirsta 'n co. said...

Dang, that IS a money shot! You don't even have to be an ultrasound tech to figure that one out. Can't wait to hear what you decide on for a name. Now that you know the gender the big surprise will be who she looks like when she arrives....

Anonymous said...

I think Laura is a really nice name for a girl.