Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Yard Makeover part I

(posted by Jonathan)

This will be the first of hopefully many pictures/posts of yard projects that I have bottled up in my head. (That doesn't mean you can call me bottle head next time you see me.) I began the process of changing our yard the summer we moved in with a little tree/shrub trimming here and lawn work there, but it has been a slow process to say the least. I took a step backwards last summer after not watering much in '08 and the lawn looked patchy and near death. Last year we remedied that and this year I am making some positive headway that I would like to share. What I had always planned was to take out the overgrown juniper bushes in the front which I did last year. After that I thought a small retaining wall would look nice, so this morning I did just that. The project took a few hours and lots of back pain, but the satisfaction of knowing that I did it myself is rewarding enough to balance my aches. Here is the progress of the front yard since we moved in:

Here is the house in '08...

...and this is the house after the bush removal

...and after the wall was built!

I know that the yard is bare, but I'm still trying to grow grass where the bushes were, and the plants we plan to add in the planter are yet to come, but I was so excited to have this much done that I decided to post what we have now.


Elsha said...

Excellent work!

Kirsta 'n co. said...

That juniper was HUGE! What a great project to tackle, I'm so excited to see what you guys plant. By "you guys," of course I mean Jonathan, I have never known Kari to get her nails dirty :) Let us know if you find a good way to patch the lawn, we've got lots of little patched that need love in our back yard. Can't wait to see you!

Eric and Amy said...

Nice work so far! Yardwork is back breaking stuff.
If seeds and water aren't enough, you can take a sample of your dirt to the local extension office and they can tell you what to add to it (acid, base, maneur, certain fertilizers on the market, etc.).