Saturday, April 3, 2010

The latest and greatest

I just thought I should fill you all in on what's been happening lately at the Phelp's house.

1. Amelia is crawling now! For a while now she's been able to get around really well, just not by a "real" crawl. The other night though, at Grandma and Grandpa Norwood's house she had her sight set on a little stuffed animal and she crawled over to it! Also, at our house while I was out of the room she crawled over to my book and took the bookmark out. Awesome.

2. This morning she cut her second tooth! For the last couple days you could see the white under the gum but this morning was the first time I felt the tip!

3. She can pull herself up from sit to standing! Unfortunately, we don't have a lot of things in the house for her to pull herself up on, like a coffee table. The first thing she pulled herself up on was the edge of our bed:

We bought her a sit-to-stand lion, but it rolls, so it's hard for her to use right now, until she can walk with it.

4. She LOVES to "blow raspberries" and pretty much spends most of her day perfecting them. She also loves her juice so much that I wish I could wean to juice instead of formula, which she refuses to drink. And, being my daughter, she loves beef jerky.

5. Amelia is 8 months old tomorrow!

6. We cut out her swaddle cold turkey!! A couple nights ago she drove me CRAZY, waking up way more often than an 8 month old should, and every time she was completely out of her swaddle, across her crib, trying to crawl or play with an invisible friend. So, at 4 in the morning I told Jonathan, "I'm done with the swaddle." The next day, I fed her for nap time and laid her down like usual, except unswaddled. She slept for an hour and a half! Last night was the first night without it and she did great (and if you know how Amelia sleeps that means terrible) but nothing different than usual. She only woke up 4 times, which was way better than I expected. Now, night weaning! I know I keep saying that, I just need to FULLY prepare myself for the terrible few nights ahead and do it.

I think that about covers it. We are headed to Colo Springs tomorrow to celebrate Easter with Grandma and Grandpa Phelps. Next weekend we are going to Denver to meet up with Grandma Linda, Elsha, Kirsta and their kids for some fun times! Can't wait! I hope you all have a great Easter and I expect to see lots of cute pictures in spring-time get-up.


Elsha said...

Yay for no swaddle!

Eric and Amy said...

What a fun update!

Kirsta 'n co. said...

Holy CRAP for things bein busy around your house! I'm so excited to see her, I'll try to strategically place things around the house for her to pull herself up on :)