Saturday, June 23, 2012


Jonathan and I just recently celebrated our 4 year anniversary! I seriously can't belive the amount of "life" we've packed in to the last 4 years! Whew.  Of course we took our annual trip back to the Botanic Gardens to reminiss about the day and try to explain to Amelia what marriage is. Toooootally over her head. :)

I know you all really want to see the timeline so here you go: ;)

Year 0:
 Year 1- unfortunately it was raining so we hurried and just took one of fat ol' me alone.

Year 2: Our small but happy family
Year 3: Pregnant with Addilyn
Year 4: Our growing family

Happy 4 years to us! Many more happy years to come!


Elsha said...

Cute pictures! Happy anniversary!

Laura said...

Happy anniversary! I can't help but notice you're pregnant in every other photo... what do you suppose that says about year5 5?

Devery said...

I love that you do that! Its so awesome!! Also, I second Laura's comment :)

Bailey said...

It's so neat that you guys will be able to go back to that same spot each year and snap a picture of how you have changed and then look back!

Eric and Amy said...

As always, cute pics of a very cute family!

Kirsta 'n co. said...

Hmmm, you're a lot less fancy in the ones after year 0... like you got lazy or something? I think you should bring the fancy dresses back! Or maybe just hike up your shorts a little higher like Amelia :-D