Tuesday, July 3, 2012


Amelia hates wearing clothes.  It's a huge battle every day in our house to get her to put her clothes on and then to keep them on.  She's sure that she's exempt from putting her panties and shorts back on EVERY time she goes potty.  I'm so relieved at the end of the day when I know we have nothing else to do and I can let her be naked. 

A couple days ago she wanted to go outside with Jonathan and he told her she'd have to put clothes on first.  She went to her room and came out wearing some bloomers from a dress that Melody made, and shoes.  He told her to go back to her room and put and shirt on.  She went back to her room and a little while later came out with no shirt on but was headed outside anyway.  I asked her, "Shouldn't you have a shirt on to go outside?"  She replied, "No, I'm jus' pullin' my pants up higher." 

I died laughing!


Anonymous said...

Hahaha!!! The boys are going to lining up to date her when she's a teenager! Get ready!

Elsha said...

Oh Amelia. You're the silliest.

Eric and Amy said...

Silly girl!