Wednesday, January 23, 2013

January 2013

The beginning of this year has already been filled with some ups and downs.

Up: Elsha was here to kick off the new year with us, so we got crazy with some sparkling cider and Tetris Attack.  She stayed until the 6th, which was awesome because 1) We had an awesome time, and 2) By the time she left we were already a week into January!

Here are all the cousins minus Espen, who wasn't here, and Ethan, who was sleeping

Down: Addilyn and I came down with the stomach flu.  I think we all know how I feel about throwing up, so lets just go ahead and say those were the worst 2 days of January for me.  Addilyn's manifested differently and was a high fever and crazy fatigue followed by a rash, which actually her doctor told us today was probably Reovirus (a gastrointestinal virus followed by a rash.) Needless to say, there was lots of whining and crying in this house.

Up: Addilyn had her 15 month check-up.  She's still sitting pretty in the 2nd percentile. She weighs 17lbs, 6oz, and she is 28 inches tall.  She can sign "all done" "bath time" (both of which she tries to say while signing) "please" and "more".  My favorite thing about her is that she toddles around the house and then will come into the room you're in and say "Hiiii" in the sweetest little voice.  My least favorite thing is that she has this obnoxious, open-mouth, fake cry that's pretty annoying and dramatic.

Down: Our Broncos lost the playoff game. *Tear*  We were SO excited for the game and thought we had it in the bag.  What an exciting game the entire time, and then what a TERRIBLE ending.
 34 weeks

Up: Today Jonathan turns 34!! Happy birthday to my best friend in the world! Every day with him I am grateful that our stars aligned.  For his birthday he requested to wake up on his own, not to an alarm or kids, so we arranged for the girls to have a sleepover with their Grandma and Grandpa Norwood.  We went out to dinner at 3 Margaritas, did a little bit of shopping, then went to Kirsta and Joe's and played games and hung out. We got home late but that didn't stop him from opening the new Netflix-streaming BluRay player I bought him and setting it up to watch a movie. This morning we woke up on our own (wish granted) and had a delicious breakfast at Ihop. And then:

Up:  I had my 36 week OB appointment. I never wrote about my gestational diabetes but that's because I'm pretty convinced it's not actually there. Doctor says it IS there and that I'd never need insulin but that I do need to watch my diet.  I *guess* I watch my diet a little, and by that I mean I don't stuff my face with as much sugar as sounds good, but otherwise I eat like normal and my readings are never high. I'm actually down to 2 readings a day instead of 4 because they were so good all the time.  Doctor said she'd be ok with the baby coming any day now, and even did a cervix check early and said I'm at 1 1/2 cm!  Of course I know that that could very well mean NOTHING for the next 4 weeks, but it does make me freak out a little that things are already progressing... everything except my readiness for labor! I'm FREAKING out, to say the least.  I cried before my first labor because I didn't know what to expect, and I cry now because I DO know what to expect. I'm terrified.  Anyway~ tomorrow morning I have another ultrasound (YAY) so maybe you'll get lucky and I'll write another post about that.

Otherwise, one more week of January and it's on to February 2013, the month of my 3rd child. Hopefully it's a month of all ups!


Eric and Amy said...

Cheers to more UPS than downs. :)

Anonymous said...

So sorry the flu hit your house too! Sounds like everyone's feeling better?

That sounds like an AWESOME birthday. I think I'm going to ask for the same sort of thing... For Jason's birthday. Because its sooner than mine.

Also, I can't believe your almost full term! I feel like I just found out you were pregnant!