Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tummy Time!

Since Amelia was born she has been really good at picking up her head. I don't really know when you're supposed to start tummy time with babies, but I figured now that she's almost 5 weeks old she's good and ready. We've been putting her on her tummy on a blanket on the floor and unlike most babies I've known, she doesn't hate it. She just lays there and kind of grunts around. She doesn't really even cry, we usually just pick her up because it gets boring to watch. :) Today we got out her tummy time mat that we got at my baby shower to give it a try. Here's how it went..

She didn't really understand to pick her head up. She never got mad though. But she's really good at pushing off with her feet.

Sleepy time!

She got bored. HAHA


Elsha said...

Ha ha! She's SO CUTE!

Eric and Amy said...

SUPER CUTE! What a doll!