Saturday, June 25, 2011

Potty Training

I am so happy and proud to announce we have a potty-trained child! By that I mean she is 100% accident free at our house. We still put her in diapers or pull-ups for outings, but I'm hoping to buy her some panties soon and teach her to tell me when we're in public. She now calls her diapers "panties" and will ask you to change them or take them off. Today we had to go to a friends house to help paint and when I told her we had to put a diaper on she started crying!

We first tried to potty train back in April when she was 21 months old, and I thought she was ready because she knew what the potty was, where it was, how to flush, and if mommy or daddy was going pee or poop. Plus, she was peeing out of her diapers so often it was getting really old, so even if she wasn't ready, I WAS! Well, the day I started trying to train her I learned that if she wasn't ready, it wasn't going to happen! Every time she started to pee she couldn't have cared less that it was going all over her and the floor and her toys and everything. Then when I would try and set her on her potty she would scream and cry. So, as discouraging as it was, I decided to wait a couple months and try again.

One day at the beginning of June, Jonathan changed her diaper, took her on a bike ride, and by the time they got home (10 or 15 min later) she has soaked through her diaper all over her pants. He said, "How do you feel about potty training?" So we tried again, and she took right to it!

So far it's been such a good thing! We'll cross our fingers that it keeps going this well.

I'm sure that none of you guys actually care about all this, so I'll just end by saying we are 2 happy parents right now!


Elsha said...

Wait, what about what you said on the phone this morning?

Kari and Jonathan said...

I know Elsha. I was hoping you'd forget. I actually wrote this post a couple days ago though so it was 100% then. I guess right now we're at 99% with one poo on the floor :)

Kirsta 'n co. said...

Accidents happen, nobody mad.

She's doing awesome! When they cry about wearing diapers that's when you know potty training's gonna stick.

Eric and Amy said...

It is so nice not to change diapers anymore!

Anonymous said...

I care about your child's bathroom habits Kari. I care. Congratulations!

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Anonymous said...

Anonymous said... Hot Teenagers

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

love to see her fat littlecunt my nieces is so hot she is 2

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Anonymous said...

Let’s talk @Raylah XX XX 2.0 telegram.😊

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Anonymous said...

i want to fuck your fat ass elsha and spit on your face whore

Anonymous said...

suck my dick after i pull it out of your big ass..taste your fat asshole