I'm almost through my 13th week of pregnancy, which means I'm starting my second trimester! I would be really excited about this, except that my first trimester hasn't been bad. Lets reflect:
** For a while no food sounded good unless someone else made it. That led to a lot of fast food and bland cold cereal.
** Aversions include garlic, canned diced tomatoes, and chicken, amongst other small, day-to-day things.
** Cravings include orange juice, apples, blt's. I seriously feel like I could eat a blt every day. YUM!
** My weirdest craving came one night after I had fixed Jonathan dinner and the whole time cooking I thought, "This looks and sounds disgusting." (I don't remember what it was.) I just hung out with him at the dinner table and made pleasant conversation :) Then about 7:00 I said, "Let's order omelets from Ihop!" Best. Omelet. Ever.
** I've been extremely tired, and I feel like that's been the biggest difference from my last pregnancy. Last time I was working full time, so maybe I just didn't think about it as much, but this time I just feel like I could sleep ALL the time! I go to bed about an hour earlier than usual, sleep until Amelia wakes me up (around 8am), and I take a nap every day when she naps. I do feel my energy coming back now, which is a relief.
With my last pregnancy, I couldn't wait to start showing! I was so excited when we went on the cruise at 19 weeks and I had such a tiny little bump, enough for me to notice, and other people to think I was chubby. So this time I was thinking I had a good 20 weeks before I got to bust out the maternity clothes. Wrong. Although it does depend on what I'm wearing and what time of day it is (obviously at night all my food has settled into my belly) I definitely already have a little bump. I haven't had to wear maternity pants yet, but I'm sure it's not too far in the future. I'm just going to try to embrace my belly, instead of being sad about showing too early. Anyway~ here I am: